Audio:QS151901 C-box: BallLoc:246,305,263,322;97,251,114,268;216,124,233,141;287,241,304,258;330,236,347,253;392,210,409,227;398,313,415,330 LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:3 PaletteNeutralPic:GQ15_20.pic A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:South Africa*QS151902* Wrong 1:India Wrong 2:Iran Wrong 3:New Zealand Wrong 4:Norway Wrong 5:Peru Wrong 6:South Korea Wrong 7: Wrong 8: GeoByte1:The back of this bill shows mining equipment, a reminder of South Africa's mineral wealth. You can see it in the Glossary. GeoByte2:Two languages appear on South African currency: English, and Afrikaans, which is similar to Dutch. GeoByte3:South African game reserves protect many wild animals, like the elephants shown here. GeoByte4: GeoByte5: GeoByte6: GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: First Pict Cast:GQ151990.PIC VideoReward:#none Palette:PaletteQ19 StartVideo:GQ151950.MOV EndVideo: MapPictCast:GQ151950.PIC Glossary Start Glossary End